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30 2021-10

[Plastic products] Low cost of coal-based ethylene glycol palladium nano-catalyst

[Plastic Hardware Network] The research team of the Fujian Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences recently synthesized a new type of palladium nano-catalyst using Cu(II) ion-assisted in-situ reduction at room temperature. The catalyst has an ultra-low precious metal loading (about 0.1%) and excellent performance. , Long life, can greatly reduce the cost of catalysts and save a lot of precious metal resources. After the catalyst is successfully prepared, it is expected to form a new generation of coal-to-ethylene glycol catalyst technology. Coal-to-ethylene glycol technology can not only effectively alleviate the contradiction between the supply and demand of ethylene glycol in my country, but also improve the level of efficient and clean conversion and utilization of coal resources. The reaction of CO gas-phase oxidative coupling to dimethyl oxalate is a key step in the production of ethylene glycol from coal. The currently used catalysts have a relatively high loading of palladium, which greatly increases the cost of the catalyst. More related information:
30 2021-10

Trading is dull, plastics continue to decline

Dalian Plastics Futures opened low and moved high on the 23rd. The main 1305 contract closed at 9880 yuan/ton, up 55 yuan. The recent performance of Liansu 1305 is relatively resilient, temporarily forming a short-term bottom at 9700. Geopolitical factors have affected the recent sharp fluctuations in crude oil. With the easing of the conflict, crude oil is still dominated by weakness in the later stage, while the fundamentals of continuous plastics are still weak, and the upstream cost factors continue to weaken.
30 2021-10

New oil field with 1 billion barrels of reserves discovered in Tabasco, Mexico

New oil field with 1 billion barrels of reserves discovered in Tabasco, Mexico
30 2021-10

Characteristics and performance of nylon cable ties

The cable tie, as the name implies, is a strap for binding things. It is designed with a stop function and can only be tied tighter and tighter. There is also a detachable cable tie. There are also releasable cable ties for easy use. Divided into metal cable ties (usually stainless steel materials) and plastic ties (usually nylon materials), commonly used in electrical and mechanical cables, computers, electronic products, automotive wiring harnesses, etc.  
30 2021-10

Commonly used plastic material processing methods

压塑成型是聚酯有效的加工方法之一。这方法比较快速,可自动化,产生的废弃物少。片状成型料(SMC)是集树脂。玻璃纤维、增稠剂、脱模剂、颜料和催化剂于一体,从而可使玻璃纤维的损坏降至最低程度,添加一种热塑性低收缩添加剂可改善外观表面。开发成功的一种能30秒固化且有A级光洁度的SMC体系,可使用聚酯制作汽车车体的外部制件,如发动机罩盖和行李厢盖。SMC还可制汽车的仪表板、前灯外罩和后车轮罩盖。其它品级的SMC可加工浴盆、洗衣桶、废物池和电气零件的配电开关、保险丝座和路灯罩。 预混料和预制整体模塑料(BMC)是在。型叶片混合机中制取的像面团似的材料。可用来模压加工成洗衣桶、盘子、手提箱、设备外壳和电气部件。 注塑成型是聚酯的最有效的加工方法,与SMC压塑成型相比可更加自动化,且制品性能更加均一,固化时间短、加工费用低。TMCQ(厚模塑料)注塑成型不仅可制电气部件,还可生产汽车的车身部件。BMC在∑型叶片混合时会损伤玻璃纤维,而TMC可将这种损伤降至最小程度。 手工铺敷或喷涂操作用以制作大型制件,如船艇。也用以进行短期生产,以免使用昂贵的金工模具。层合用树脂加入促进剂和具有触变性。 应用触变剂(气法炭黑或有机白土)可使加工厂将树脂涂敷到垂直的模具表面,而没有在凝胶前发生流淌的危险。低苯乙烯释放量的层合用树脂可使加工厂符合政府的有关规定。低档层合树脂对玻璃纤维花纹有很好的遮盖力。用铺敷法和喷涂工艺的例子是制船艇、娱乐器械、活动房、房屋组件、卡车驾驶室、运动场设施。另外制淋浴室的层合树脂要填充三水合氧化铝(ATH)或石膏,使具有阻燃性以符合建筑规范,且不增加成本。 铺敷法或喷涂法操作时采用凝胶涂层,该涂层是含有聚酯涂料,涂敷模具表面最后与层合件成为一体,它起着保护玻璃纤维的作用,产生永久性的漂亮的外表面。作凝胶层用的树脂为间苯二甲酸树脂,其中一般含有新成二醇,可使制品具有耐水性和耐候性。 常用真空成型的有机玻璃片代替模具和凝胶层。有机玻璃片成为玻璃纤维增强聚酯复合材料的外表面,高级浴盆就是这样制作的。 树脂传递模塑(RTM)介乎铺敷法和压塑成型之间的加工方法,RTM法比铺敷法好,可控制厚度并有光滑的内表面和外表面。RTM法所需的模具费用比压塑成型法少得多。 含有促进剂的树脂与催化剂一起注入静态混合器,最后进入衬有玻璃纤维毡的模具内,空气则从模具的气孔排出。 树脂的粘度要低,以使用泵输送。凝胶时间应足够长以保证模具完全充满,但要求操作速度快,以保证合理的生产效率。采用RTM法加工的制品有小船、电器外壳、汽车车体外部制件和椅子。豪华浴室内用的人造大理石树脂,应充填优质填料,从而能经受热循环试验。长丝缠绕成型法可用于制造化学品贮罐和大直径管道。连续法制板工艺用以生产平板和瓦楞板,用作房间隔板、棚顶、墙围和天窗。挤拉成型法可制作异型材。例如制作汽车簧板、旗杆、耐化学品腐蚀的工字梁、公园长凳、射箭用的弓。

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